February 26, 2018

Grotto Canyon

5.1km    Elev: 60m    Time: 1.5h    Difficulty: 1/5

After an aborted attempt at Old Baldy Ridge due to fog, blowing snow, and unbroken waist-deep powder on the trail, Elliot and I decided to settle for the much more relaxed trip into Grotto Canyon. Despite its numerous positive reviews, I have always dismissed this trail due to its minuscule distance/elevation profile. True, this was one of the less physically strenuous trips I have been on, but it was also one of the most unique. This route follows the frozen Grotto Creek as it winds through a deep rocky canyon past sheer rock cliffs, icy waterfalls, and large sandstone hoodoos. Grotto Canyon made for an ideal location for a couple hours of outdoor wandering while catching up with a good friend.

Evan Thomas Creek

Grotto Mountain appears in the distance a few minutes from the parking lot

Grotto Creek flows out of the canyon here, beneath Grotto Mountain.

Entering the canyon.

The frozen creek is our trail today.

Beautiful frozen waterfalls.

Hoodoos in a wide section of the canyon.

The farther we ventured the less defined the trail became.

Colourful climbers also enjoying the day.


  1. Frozen waterfalls seem to be the theme of your February hikes! Just lovely. I suppose it should come as no surprise other people checked out the ice falls the same time you did, since some people really enjoy ice climbing, but I was still amazed to see the amount of company you had on your last 2 hikes. More people enjoy getting off the beaten path in the winter than I had imagined.

  2. Hi Mim! Yes, fortunately these icefalls are just as beautiful on cold cloudy days. That being said, I'm sure we are all eagerly awaiting spring warmth and blue skies!

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